English Graduate Organization (EGO)

EGO is the English Graduate Organization. Formed by University of Miami English graduate students, the organization seeks to give information and support, both academic and otherwise, to students enrolled in the PhD and MFA programs. Informal in nature, the organization is made up of every graduate student in the English Department. We encourage fellow students to be active in the organization, forming committees to address issues as they arise or creating reading and other groups to serve their specific interests and needs.

Constitution of EGO: Read more

EGO’s functions are both scholarly and social:

  • EGO conducts workshops on writing seminar papers and abstracts
  • We foster reading and discussion groups
  • We organize an annual symposium where we present ongoing research in panels followed by discussion by graduate students and faculty
  • We organize and participate in an active dissertation writing group
  • EGO helps to organize workshops on the job search, constructing the cv, assembling a dossier of letters, and so on

EGO connects graduate students at various stages in the program and in different fields in order to facilitate informal but informative relationships where students can ask questions not only about academic concerns, but also about job placement, teaching, and living in Miami.

If you have questions or concerns about forming a committee to address an issue, want to see a workshop cover a specific area, or form a reading group, students who have been involved in these activities can help.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your 2022-2023 EGO Executive Council

Preston Taylor Stone (Chair): ptstone@miami.edu 

Kathryn Sanford (Co-Chair): kes151@miami.edu

Kate Albrecht (Secretary): katealbrecht@miami.edu

Michael Soriano (Treasurer): mrs319@miami.edu

Nia Dickens (MFA Departmental Representative): nsd1996@miami.edu

Jovanté Anderson (Ph.D Departmental Representative): jaa392@miami.edu 
